

Anna Wardwell is passionate about helping children connect to nature, their peers, and the food that nourishes them. She draws from her diverse experiences, most recently as a Special Education Teacher, to develop the curriculum and create a dynamic learning environment. With a background in Environmental Science and Marine Biology, she brings a scientific approach to her teaching style and exploration of nature with kids. She loves experimenting in the kitchen, making all sorts of delicious concoctions from kimchi and kombucha to bread and pies. She believes that exposing children to the joy of food and involving them in the process of growing, harvesting and creating can transform lives and communities.

Monica Quist brings many years of child care experience and has been a preschool teacher for the last three years. She was born in Northern Maine and attended the University of Maine at Presque Isle where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art. She's excited to implement art within the curriculum at Little Learners Homestead, as it is such an important part of development! She is also adept at American Sign Language and uses sign language with kiddos daily as a way to aid in speech development and pre verbal communication. Monica spends her free time camping, going on other outdoor adventures with her family, and going to concerts when she can! She has an 8 year old son named Trey and a zippy feline friend named Firefly.